Nubilus Backup Empresas

The perfect starting point for growing an online presence.

Starting from

U$S42.00 USD

Respaldo PCs/Notebooks/WorkStations
Respaldo Servers
Respaldo Maquinas Virtuales
Respaldo Dispositivos Móviles
Respaldos Office 365
Cantidad de respaldos configurables
Almacenamiento Configurables

Risk-free for 90 days.

Get 2 months free with
annual prepay.

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Nubilus Backup HOME

The perfect starting point for growing an online presence.

Starting from

U$S6.00 USD

Respaldo PC/Notebook/WorkStation
1 a 5 Equipos
50GB Almacenamiento

Risk-free for 90 days.

Get 2 months free with
annual prepay.

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Nubilus Backup Server

The perfect starting point for growing an online presence.

Starting from

U$S30.00 USD

Respaldo Server Windows/Linux
1 Server
250GB Almacenamiento

Risk-free for 90 days.

Get 2 months free with
annual prepay.

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Nubilus Backup VM

The perfect starting point for growing an online presence.

Starting from

U$S12.00 USD

Respaldo Maquina Virtual Vmware/Virtuozzo/Hiper-v
1 VM
100Gb de almacenamiento

Risk-free for 90 days.

Get 2 months free with
annual prepay.

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